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Why would I even use dependency injection?

I was inspired to write this post and hopefully a little series on some of these key concepts of software as I was asked "Why would I need to use dependency injection?". This brought me back to when I was first learning these industry staples that you never get taught learning computer science. Due to this I was hoping to write a little series around my learning experiences and understanding of these concepts because I have always found the more perspectives you get the easier it is to form your own understanding. This is the first one for the series so let's see how far we can go.

If anyone does read this, firstly thank you and I hope it helps! Secondly if there is something you would be interested in hearing thinking raise an issue for lack of a better means for the time being and I will hopefully get around to it sooner rather than later!

What is Dependency Injection?

Alright now that the little preamble is over with lets start out like any good problem solver and define the What of the problem. According to our good friends at Wikipedia we define dependency injection as:

In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique whereby one object supplies the dependencies of another object.


So this is pretty good and correct, assuming you understand the concept to begin with. So let's try break it down a bit.

I first learnt this with Java, so one simple trick to think of dependency injection is moving all of the new keywords out of your classes. Now this is a pretty dumb thing to say because something obviously has to instantiate your classes and that is entirely correct but the point of dependency injection is to create that separation between where your classes and their dependencies are instantiated and where you write the fun problem solving logic. So the concept of dependency injection is being able to give your classes their dependencies rather than you class instantiating its own dependencies. A term you will hear a lot around this topic is Inversion of Control (IOC). You are now giving control of what your classes dependencies are to a class higher up the chain.

Don't worry there is a lot of writing here and my description is arguably confusing in itself but I will clarify this with some examples soon! So stick with me!

How do I use Dependency Injection?

There are a lot of fancy frameworks that you can use for dependency injection, no matter what language you develop in. However I have no intention of showing how to use those frameworks because if you want to learn you should practice it on the bare metal. I always enjoy getting my hands dirty with this (as much as they can typing on a keyboard) because I find that to be the best way to understand, making the mistakes and finding the answers.

Saying that let's get onto our example. Since I am not feeling incredibly creative today I am going to take the classic shopping cart example. Our task is to make a shopping cart class that will allow our customers to buy some items. The code below is one possible way of doing this (although please don't use this to implement an actual shopping cart).

public class ShoppingCart {
    private CreditCard creditCard;
    private LineItems items;

    public ShoppingCart(long creditCardNumber, List<Product> products) {
        creditCard = new CreditCard(creditCardNumber);
        items = new LineItems(products);

    public void placeOrder() {

So as you can see this shopping cart implementation needs to have a CreditCard to charge and some LineItems to define how much to charge. Therefore it is pretty easy to see that the dependencies of ShoppingCart are CreditCard and LineItems. A pretty easy way to see this in Java is they will be fields of the class, you really only define a field if you need to use it perform some tasks.

However there are new keywords here so you can see the dependencies are not injected into ShoppingCart, rather ShoppingCart knows exactly how to create its dependencies. It knows it needs a credit card number and a list of products. In fact this is exactly why dependency injection is important because it means your class does not need to know how to create its dependencies but only how to use its dependencies. Instead of providing the parameters to construct the dependencies we should have instead provided the dependencies themselves and constructed those elsewhere, perhaps like this:

public class ShoppingCart {
    private CreditCard creditCard;
    private LineItems items;

    public ShoppingCart(CreditCard creditCard, LineItems items) {
        this.creditCard = creditCard;
        this.items = items;

    public void placeOrder() {

So we can now create it elsewhere

public class Factory {
    public ShoppingCart shoppingCart(long creditCardNumber, List<Product> products) {
        return new ShoppingCart(new CreditCard(creditCardNumber), new LineItems(products));

Now we have separated our creation code from our domain logic code. In doing this it has provided us dependency injection as you can see our ShoppingCart no longer has any new keywords!

Why Dependency Injection?

The most obvious question now is, "Why would I do that? That looks like more code!". This is indeed correct we do have more code but the number of lines you have written is never a sole indicator of the quality of the code. Instead what you should be looking at is "Has this made it easier for me to change the code as requirements change?" or "Is this code easily testable?". Making our code use dependency injection has allowed us to say yes on both of those fronts.

Changing with Requirements or Design

The biggest achievement we have made is we are now able to develop to an interface. That is, ShoppingCart doesn't need to know anything about how CreditCard or LineItems work under the hood, or if they are even concrete classes. All it needs to know is that it can call charge and total on them respectively. Therefore if we only supported one type of credit card and we needed to add another one, so long as it implements charge for the CreditCard interface our ShoppingCart need not change.

In a different direction, if the design of LineItems were to change and it needed something different to construct itself, our ShoppingCart is now unaffected. The only place it needs to change is where we create it.


Something else that dependency injection has aided with is making tests easier to write. If we had of kept it the old way, testing ShoppingCart would be near impossible without needing to charge an actual credit card. To avoid this we would need to use reflection to inject a mock and capture all the interactions, doable but more complicated than it need be. Now we can simply make a test double that looks like a CreditCard and then capture the interactions on that.

Finishing Up

Hopefully through this very basic example you can see how you can use dependency injection in your current work as well as how it is helpful. As with a lot of these practices it is hard to see the benefit in the small scale but once your system grows and the number of moving parts increases its value becomes apparent.