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Making microservices in Rust

This is a small idea that I have been wanting to put together for quite some time now and finally have managed to get the time and most importantly experience in Rust to finally try something a little more than just small projects. One area that I think Rust is really making a decent headway in in the web domain, which I am assuming is likely due to its origin from Firefox. So I wanted to see if I could put together a really basic CRUD micro-service doing the ever so original TODO functionality.

My main goal from this project was to be able to try some larger scale crates available in the Rust ecosystem and perform some more typical enterprise activities of working with databases and HTTP requests in Rust, something I have usually been steering clear of. Further to this, I was really hoping that I could help some of these frameworks grow with some more examples of how to put them all together so hopefully can make it easier to pick up for new comers.

If you aren't up for the read and would just like the code go check out the repository.

So what were the frameworks that I wanted to explore?


Diesel is one of the more popular ORM in the Rust community. It has some great documentation to get set up and to understand how to use it. It also comes with a very handy CLI tool to assist in the setting up of a project and managing database migrations, which is great for keeping everything nice and uniform and automated. A great combination indeed!

The getting started guide for Diesel provides a solid foundation on how to put it all together so I won't try rewrite that, rather provide a light overview of the steps to be able to reproduce.

Setting up the migrations

Following the guide the CLI tool will create an up.sql and down.sql in the migrations directory to handle our initial database migration.

$ diesel migration generate tasks

This will generate the files and place them into a time stamped directory, appended with the name of the migration we gave, which was tasks. In here we want to put the SQL query to create our table and the opposing query to undo the change.





Adding the Models

Following the remainder of the guide we get to develop the model of our Tasks which then allows us to use the CLI tool to generate our schema.

We want to follow the recommended guide of having one type to represent the structure we want to query from the database and one type to represent the structure to insert into the database. These will be Task and NewTask respectively and will be put in the model module.

pub struct Task {
    id: i32,
    task: String,
    completed: bool,

#[table_name = "tasks"]
pub struct NewTask {
    task: String,
    completed: bool,

Generating the Schema

Once we have set up the models we can then go back again to the Diesel CLI to generate the schema for us which will provide the DSL that we will interact with.

$ diesel print-schema > src/schema.rs

This will look at our source code and locate the structs that are Queryable to determine the shape of our data. The resulting schema.rs should look like the following:

table! {
    tasks (id) {
        id -> Integer,
        task -> Varchar,
        completed -> Bool,

Adding the Functionality

The final part to the database aspect of our micro-service is to provide some functionality on interacting with the database with the CRUD operations. My implementation is a very basic one to allow me to associate these interactions with the model type.

impl Task {
    pub fn all(conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec<Task> {
        use schema::tasks::dsl::*;
        tasks.load::<Task>(conn).expect("Could not load tasks")

    pub fn create(conn: &PgConnection, task: NewTask) {
        use schema::tasks;
            .expect("Unable to insert");

    pub fn update(conn: &PgConnection, task_id: i32, task_update: Task) -> i32 {
        use schema::tasks::dsl::*;
            .expect("Failed to update");

    pub fn delete(conn: &PgConnection, task_id: i32) {
        use schema::tasks::dsl::*;
            .expect("Failed to delete");

The above code shows a few different ways in which we can use the generated DSL to work with our data, or in the case of the create function, how we can use it without the DSL.

Note that it is important that the DSL is only imported on the function scope and that when doing this ensure that the function parameters don't match any column in the schema to avoid any unexpected shadowing.


Rocket is quite a popular web framework, for several reasons but one of course is the well polished website! It is pretty easy to get started with and handles a lot of the boiler plate through its powerful use of macros. This part of the project I cannot claim I developed a lot for as it does have a great tutorial on the website for how to use Rocket with Diesel. So I will just provide some basic changes to this that I ended up applying.

The first thing being that I wanted to use PostgreSQL which wasn't covered in the tutorial. This was a very minor deviation from the tutorial however because it was mainly handled in the Diesel section of the code which was already described previously. The biggest change here was changing the features that Diesel was compiled with:


diesel = { version = "1.0.0", features = ["postgres"] }

The only other chunk related to this was the database connection pool that we used which was simply changed to a PgConnection.

type Pool = r2d2::Pool<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>;

Managing the Database Connection

From there I was able to follow the tutorial fairly closely. We start by ensuring that Rocket manages our database connection pool. This is as simple as adding it to ignite function.

type Pool = r2d2::Pool<ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>;
fn init_pool() -> Pool {
    let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
    let manager = ConnectionManager::<PgConnection>::new(database_url);
    r2d2::Pool::new(manager).expect("db pool")

pub fn start() {

Now that Rocket is managing our state we want to be able to grab that from our requests. To do this in Rocket we need to implement the FromRequest trait for our database connection.

impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for DbConn {
    type Error = ();

    fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<DbConn, ()> {
        let pool = request.guard::<State<Pool>>()?;
        match pool.get() {
            Ok(conn) => Outcome::Success(DbConn(conn)),
            Err(_) => Outcome::Failure((Status::ServiceUnavailable, ())),

Adding the Request Handlers

Essentially the final part of this is to add in the request handlers. Thanks to Rocket's code generation this is quite easy to write. For example to add the request to return all the tasks the request would look like:

fn get_all_tasks(conn: DbConn) -> Json<Vec<Task>> {

Then we would update the start function to mount this route:

pub fn start() {
        .mount("/tasks", routes![get_all_tasks])

Returning Some Data

However we have this new Json type that we are returning from our request so at the moment this won't compile. Let's go ahead and add that type and make our Task model serializable.

Just as side note I wouldn't recommend in practice you have you database representation the same the model type returned from your request but for the sake of brevity for this walk through I will keep it this way

To obtain the Json type we will add a dependency from Rocket, rocket-contrib, adding to our Cargo.toml

version = "0.3.6"
default-features = false
features = ["json"]

Then we need to make our Task serializable, and our NewTask whilst we are at it. To do this we will use serde which is the standard serialization and de-serialization crate used in Rust. With a small tweak of our Cargo.toml and some added derives to our type we are done.


serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
serde_derive = "1.0"


#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Queryable)]
pub struct Task {
    id: i32,
    task: String,
    completed: bool,

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Insertable)]
#[table_name = "tasks"]
pub struct NewTask {
    task: String,
    completed: bool,

Adding the Rest of the Requests

Following the initial request we can add the remaining operations to create, update, and delete tasks.

#[post("/", data = "<task>")]
fn create_task(task: Json<NewTask>, conn: DbConn) -> Json<String> {
    Task::create(&conn, task.into_inner());
    Json("Task added".to_owned())

#[put("/<id>", data = "<task>")]
fn update_task(id: u32, task: Json<Task>, conn: DbConn) -> Json<i32> {
    let id = Task::update(&conn, id as i32, task.into_inner());

fn delete_task(id: u32, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
    Task::delete(&conn, id as i32);
    Json(json!({"status": "ok"}))

Then finally don't forget to mount these routes when you start rocket and we have ignition!.


Gotham is a web framework a bit newer on the scene. With one of the key differences between it and Rocket is that it targets only stable Rust. Whereas to get those really fancy macros with Rocket it is currently only able to run on nightly Rust, which may be a deal breaker for some. This is not to say this is the only differing aspect but a notable one.

Being a bit newer, Gotham is still changing it's shape and structure as when writing this it was only v0.2. However they do provide numerous examples of how to use the framework in the several ways in which it was designed. Due to the youth of this framework some of the examples on the website are out of date as the framework changes but the GitHub does provide up to date examples. This is what I used to piece this one together.

Finding Common Ground

The way I approached this little project was to try the different web frameworks whilst keeping the same database interactions. Therefore it seemed sensible to extract the common database work and share that between the two frameworks. Therefore we will start with the current model.rs and keep it as similar as possible.

Getting it started

As I was less familiar with this framework and the examples weren't yet as documented I thought I would try some nice and simple routing and basic responses for those endpoints but they didn't need to return anything.

The first part was simply starting the framework, this looked a bit different but still pretty simple:

pub fn start() {
    let addr = "";
    println!("Listening for requests at http://{}", addr);
    gotham::start(addr, router())

You will note there is a router() function which I have made no mention of, never fear I will explain it here! Rather than the dispersed approach for the routing that was used in Rocket where each route gets to be defined at the function that is to be executed, in Gotham we define the routes in a single function producing a Router. Whilst it looks different we are essentially doing the same thing as we had to mount all the routes in Rocket when starting it.

use gotham::router::Router;
use gotham::router::builder::*;

fn router -> Router {

So now we have a simple route to the get_all_tasks request handler so we better define that on but first when we look into the documentation for Gotham it has a very clear definition of what a Handler must look like. It takes a State and returns a tuple of (State, Response). Now we want to return a list of Tasks, so thankfully this is made very simple by using the IntoResponse trait provided from Gotham. With a small tweak of our model.rs we can have our response type now be a TaskList.


// ...

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct TaskList {
    pub list: Vec<Task>,

Gotham uses hyper and mime crates to define its response structure so we will need to grab those.

extern crate hyper;
extern crate mime;
extern crate serde_json;

use gotham::state::State;
use gotham::http::response::create_response;
use hyper::{Response, StatusCode};

impl IntoResponse for TaskList {
    fn into_response(self, state: &State) -> Response {
                    .expect("serialized product")

Now we are ready to write our Handler to retrieve all the tasks.

fn get_all_tasks(state: State) -> (State, TaskList) {
    let tasks = vec![
        Task {
            id: 1,
            task: "Do homework".to_owned(),
            completed: false,
    (state, tasks)

Manage the Database Connection

Now we want to connect this up so it actually reads from the database. Here I followed a similar approach to what I had seen from working with Rocket, which I am sure is probably not the best or intended method with Gotham but it has seemed to do the job.

After putting this together I did actually see that Gotham does have some work in their GitHub repository about getting Diesel to connect with it.

The way Gotham manages state is though its definition of a Handler as we have already seen. Every Handler is given the state, what we need to do is tell Gotham that we would like to add our database connection to part of that state for it to manage. After some playing around I found the simplest way to do this is through middleware.

In Gotham I have understood the concept of middleware as a construct to allow the management of the requests. They are called before the request is sent to the Handler and if desired can actually manage the response of the Handler. The Gotham framework manages the calling of these we simple have to implement the Middleware trait and add it to our Router.

First of all we want our database connection pool to be able to be managed. To do so we add gotham-derive to our dependencies and create the following struct:

struct PoolState(Pool);

Now we are able to add PoolState to the Gotham State. Next we create our middleware and implement it. The connection pool is created in the exact same manner as it was when using Rocket.

use gotham::middleware::Middleware;

#[derive(Clone, NewMiddleware)]
struct DbConnMiddleware;

impl Middleware for DbConnMiddleware {
    fn call<Chain>(self, mut state: State, chain: Chain) -> Box<HandlerFuture>
        Chain: FnOnce(State) -> Box<HandlerFuture>,
        if !state.has::<PoolState>() {
            // Initialize it

Finally we modify our Router to use this middleware:

use gotham::pipeline::single::single_pipeline;

fn router() -> Router {
    let (chain, pipelines) = single_pipeline(new_pipeline().add(DbConnMiddleware).build());
    build_router(chain, pipelines, |route| {

Adding the Read All Functionality

Now that we have access to the database through the State it is actually very simple to implement the CRUD functionality. First we create a simple helper method to extract the database connection from the state.

fn db_conn(state: &State) -> Option<DbConn> {
    state.borrow::<PoolState>().get().ok().map(|x| DbConn(x))

Then we can complete our read all functionality:

fn get_all_tasks(state: State) -> (State, TaskList) {
    let conn = db_conn(&state).expect("Failed with DB connection");
    let tasks = TaskList {
        list: Task::all(&conn),
    (state, tasks)

Using Path Variables

The finally piece of the puzzle is implementing the update and delete where we specify the ID of the task we want to use. This is provided in the URL path. This is very easy to implement and reuse for both of these by creating a struct that Gotham will populate from the path.

#[derive(Deserialize, StateData, StaticResponseExtender)]
struct PathId {
    id: u32,

Followed by changing the Router definition to expect there to be a path variable

// ... previous router definition
// ... rest of definition

Then we can define our delete to look like this:

fn delete_task(mut state: State) -> (State, Response) {
    let PathId { id } = PathId::take_from(&mut state);
    let conn = db_conn(&state).expect("Failed with DB connection");
    Task::delete(&conn, id as i32);
    let resp = create_response(&state, StatusCode::Ok, None);
    (state, resp)

Using the Request Body

You may have noticed the update and create have yet to be addressed and this is because these needed to extract the Task to create or update from the body of the request. This was a little bit more clunky than simply adding annotations but once I got around it, it wasn't too bad at all.

Firstly you must know that Gotham actually stores the Body as part of the State provided to the handler so that is simply how we would extract it.

use hyper::Body;

let body = Body::take_from(&mut state)
        .then(// Do something with the body);

Now there is a fair bit of boiler plate to get this Body out of the state as the action is asynchronous. So I thought it would be nice if I could just provide a closure of what I want to do with the body once it is ready and not have to write this boiler plate out each time (I know twice in this case but I was determined). So after some fighting with the borrow checker with lifetimes this was the resulting create and update functions I got:

fn body_handler<F>(mut state: State, f: F) -> Box<HandlerFuture>
    F: 'static + Fn(String, &State) -> Response,
    let body = Body::take_from(&mut state)
        .then(move |full_body| match full_body {
            Ok(valid_body) => {
                let body_content = String::from_utf8(valid_body.to_vec()).unwrap();
                let res = f(body_content, &mut state);
                future::ok((state, res))
            Err(e) => return future::err((state, e.into_handler_error())),

fn create_task(state: State) -> Box<HandlerFuture> {
    body_handler(state, |s, state| {
        let task = serde_json::from_str(&s).expect("Failed to deserialize");
        let conn = db_conn(state).expect("Failed with DB connection");
        Task::create(&conn, task);
        create_response(state, StatusCode::Ok, None)

fn update_task(mut state: State) -> Box<HandlerFuture> {
    let PathId { id } = PathId::take_from(&mut state);
    body_handler(state, move |s, state| {
        let task = serde_json::from_str(&s).expect("Failed to deserialize");
        let conn = db_conn(&state).expect("Failed with DB connection");
        Task::update(&conn, id as i32, task);
        create_response(state, StatusCode::Ok, None)


All in all I hope I could give some really basic use cases for working with these frameworks and I hope to keep adding to this and improving the code as I go so keep an eye on the repository if you are interested.

The key thing I wanted to try with this exercise was usability of the frameworks, not really comparing in terms of performance. I think in this small example Diesel was extremely easy to work with, mainly due to its helpful documentation and examples.

In terms of the web frameworks you could definitely feel that Rocket was the more mature in particular with its documentation which really assisted in getting everything started. Further having those macros made everything very simple to get it together, so if speed to get a product is your thing I would definitely recommend. Also the variety of functionality Rocket currently supports is great, I have barely scratched the surface with this basic example.

Gotham definitely has a lot going for it and it has very clear goals of what it wants to achieve. It does have a bit more boiler plate lying around but personally I don't mind that because I feel like I can understand a bit better how things are working. This is definitely a promising framework and look forward to seeing what is to come.