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The Structurizr DSL supports a number of expressions for use when including or excluding elements/relationships on views.

  • -><identifier|expression>: the specified element(s) plus afferent couplings
  • <identifier|expression>->: the specified element(s) plus efferent couplings
  • -><identifier|expression>->: the specified element(s) plus afferent and efferent couplings
  • element.type==<type>: elements of the specified type (Person|SoftwareSystem|Container|Component|DeploymentNode|InfrastructureNode|SoftwareSystemInstance|ContainerInstance|Custom)
  • element.parent==<identifier>: elements with the specified parent
  • element.tag==<tag>[,tag]: all elements that have all of the specified tags
  • element.tag!=<tag>[,tag]: all elements that do not have all of the specified tags
  • element==-><identifier>: the specified element plus afferent couplings
  • element==<identifier>->: the specified element plus efferent couplings
  • element==-><identifier>->: the specified element plus afferent and efferent couplings

  • *->*: all relationships

  • <identifier>->*: all relationships with the specified source element
  • *-><identifier>: all relationships with the specified destination element
  • relationship==*: all relationships
  • relationship==*->*: all relationships
  • relationship.tag==<tag>[,tag]: all relationships that have all of the specified tags
  • relationship.tag!=<tag>[,tag]: all relationships that do not have all of the specified tags
  • relationship.source==<identifier>: all relationships with the specified source element
  • relationship.destination==<identifier>: all relationships with the specified destination element
  • relationship==<identifier>->*: all relationships with the specified source element
  • relationship==*-><identifier>: all relationships with the specified destination element
  • relationship==<identifier>-><identifier>: all relationships between the two specified elements

Element and relationship expressions are not supported on dynamic views.