Dynamic view
A dynamic view allows you to show a subset of the elements in a model, and the relationships between them, in order to describe how a particular use case/story/feature works. Dynamic views show ordered instances of relationships, therefore reducing the number of relationships you need to define in the static model - see Modelling multiple relationships for more.
workspace {
model {
customer = person "Customer"
onlineBookStore = softwareSystem "Online book store" {
webapp = container "Web Application"
database = container "Database"
customer -> webapp "Browses and makes purchases using"
webapp -> database "Reads from and writes to"
views {
container onlineBookStore {
include *
autoLayout lr
dynamic onlineBookStore {
title "Request past orders feature"
customer -> webapp "Requests past orders from"
webapp -> database "Queries for orders using"
autoLayout lr
dynamic onlineBookStore {
title "Browse top 20 books feature"
customer -> webapp "Requests the top 20 books from"
webapp -> database "Queries the top 20 books using"
autoLayout lr
This DSL defines three views:
- A container view showing the user and containers - notice how the relationship between the user and the web application is quite general ("Browses and makes purchases using").
- A dynamic view for the "request past orders" feature.
- A dynamic view for the "browse top 20 books" feature.
Dynamic views can be rendered using the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation or exported to a number of other formats via the Structurizr CLI export command.