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Domain Mono Repos

We use repositories every day as a software engineer. They are a simple organisational tool to group together code for a certain project. Primarily however they are driven by the fact they are a single repository in accordance with our source control (git). However, as the list of tools and processes that hook into these repositories grow, so too does the value of the repository. Slowly, it is becoming coupled with many other elements of our work. For example, we have plenty of tools to track history over a single repository using source control management. We have deployment pipelines that are typically attached to a single repository, which are responsible for getting our code out to production. We also have issue tracking and project management that is attached to a single repository. As we can see, the boundary at which we draw the repository is actually having more and more of an effect on how we work than simply a basic organisational tool.

My most common approach for repository structure has been to have a single repository for a single deployable unit. Take a basic client server example. Typically there would be a UI repository to manage the client side code, and an API repository to manage the server side code. Along with that, if we are using infrastructure as code (which we probably should be) there would even be a third repository managing all the infrastructure. This model made a lot of sense initially. Each of these elements are a different deployable unit and typically there would only be a single language for each repository.

However, as projects grew, and we lean more into automation and tooling this model started to show some cracks. To add value for the customer, it is uncommon we can achieve this solely through the UI or the API. It is more common to need to make changes across both these deployable units to add value. Therefore for a single task we need to make changes to multiple repositories, which means multiple code reviews. Not to mention needing to maintain more repositories moving at different rates. This was obviously such as issue as the popular editor VSCode even supports a notion of workspaces to work across multiple repositories/directories. Once all parts were reviewed and integrated into the pipeline then came the issue of ensuring the correct deployment order. It is fairly common that the UI should depend on the API. Thus, we always require the API to be deployed before the UI. This is not codified in our repositories as most CI tools create a separate pipeline per repository, hence it becomes difficult to ensure that the UI is never deployed without first having the API with the relevant changes deployed.

These draw backs are what have led to the idea of a new repository style, drawing on Domain Driven Design (DDD) and hence the name Domain Mono Repos. The idea is that the same boundary that is created for a domain when designing is the same boundary to define what sits within the domain mono repo. How this looks in practice is that a single repository will contain all deployable units and their infrastructure. For example, a single domain might consist of a NodeJS API deployed on AWS ECS, a single page application UI and some AWS Lambda Functions and AWS SQS queues. For this there would be a single repository that separates these all into different directories, each having their respective project structure.

Structuring a repository in this way addresses the issues mentioned earlier:

Some other benefits that have been observed: